Recap Emergency Preparedness Presentation by Tony Barzelatto

We’re having a recap of this presentation Wednesday, February 3, 2016. It could save your life. All welcome.

The presentation by Council President Tony Barzelatto at the May meeting was incredible – its the first meeting we’ve ever had that people left the room to annouce that they were going to be late home & then came right back. I strongly suspect items covered will save someone’s life in the next five years. Attendees are looking to arrange a repeat for their staff. If you can, please try and attend one of these do-overs. If you can’t, I’ve included notes:

Main Points from the Emergency Preparedness  For Businesses Presentation
By Tony Barzelatto
May 7, 2014 – Tenafly NJ Chamber Of Commerce

Downed Wires

Don’t touch any downed wires even if you ‘know’ they are safe. Cable & phone wires both carry electricity & may not be insulated. Report to police department.


Keep all exits clear

Dispose of all unwanted items (boxes, old displays, etc.) quickly to reduce fire risks

Illicit smoking is still a problem. Examine all areas to determine if a secret smoker could start a fire with a careless butt.

Electrical Safety

Unplug appliances, particularly coffee pots, when the business is closed

If fuses trip, do not just reset; determine problem and FIX it. Throw away any item that causes GFICs to trip. (Ground Fault Interrupter Circuits used to turn off electricity in cases of shorts.)

Extension Cords

Always use industrial or commercial grade; not thin/cheap ones.

Extension cords are not rated for permanent use. If you need one for a couple of months (no more than 90 days) get an electrician to provide a permanent solution.

Do not run under carpets or through windows or doors.

Personal Safety

ALWAYS check location exits when entering a building, mall or venue. See Youtube on Rhode Island Night Club fire when 100 people died trying to jam through the main exit when 4 others were free.

Escape dangerous situations & THEN call 911. People die in fires with their phones in their hand.


Active Shooter Emergencies

On the rise in NJ in business environments

Preplan your employees response

Run – if at all possible get away. Encourage others to leave but don’t stay with them if they refuse to come. Stop others entering the danger area. AFTER you escape call 911.

Hide – lock or barricade yourself in closets or rooms. Turn off lights. Silence sound & vibration on phones. Be VERY QUIET for a long time. Do not come out until you are instructed to by the police. Then keep hands visible and fingers spread.

Fight – If no other option attack the shooter with pens, chairs or anything else handy. Attack with commitment, remembering shoot is scared and may freeze in the face of an aggressive attack.

Watch Youtube video ‘Run Hide Fight’ .


Please note that the first emergency responder’s job is take down the shooter; it is not to rescue the injured. Don’t distract them with injuries & don’t make moves that could be considered threatening.